Currently no meetings until further notice
Welcome to:
United Ostomy Associations of America
Affiliated Support Group # 337
welcomes you to our pages.
We are promoting a On Line Meeting and looking for interested people in joining the meeting. Please sign up on this page. Once we have a general consensus on the best time to meet, an email to those who sign up will be sent with meeting information.
If you have issues getting into this group,
please complete "Contact Us" form for more info.
Please remember we are a volunteer group
- we will follow up as quickly as possible.
--> Directions <--to St Rose Siena - 2ND Saturday
-->Directions<-- to Sunrise Hospital - 2ND Tuesday
-->Directions<-- to MountainView Hospital Med Office Bldg, 2nd Wednesday
Three (3) Locations:
St. Rose Hospital - Siena - Henderson
3001 St. Rose Parkway, Henderson NV 89052
Day: 2nd Saturday / Each Month / 2pm - 4pm
Rms: MacDonald Conference Center A/B Rms
WOCN: Cathy Downey / Glenna Fanning
Dark July/August (No Meeting)
Sunrise Diagnostic Center (Central Las Vegas)
3006 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 250, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Day: 2nd Tuesday / Each Month / 7 pm - 9 pm
Suite 250 - 2nd Floor
WOCN: Venus Tan
Dark July/August (no meeting)
Group 3 - In The NorthWest area
#396 North Las Vegas Ostomy Support Group
Las Vegas, NV
Visit Website
Meeting Location: Mountainview Hospital
Medical Office Building, 3150 N. Tenaya Way, Suite 114
(across from covered parking structure, H2U entrance)
Las Vegas, Nevada 89128 (see map)
Time: 5:30pm to 7:30pm
Dates: Second Wednesday of each month
Important Notice:
Always Available To Talk Via Email Or Phone # Below
If You Cannot Attend Meetings - Feel Free To Call
We do not provide medical advise - suggestions on how to proceed with issues.
Another online group: On Facebook Ostomy Las Vegas There are others as well that are specific to your ostomy. Feel free to join. Our Purpose: to reach, aid and educate all those who need help with the emotional acceptance and physical maintenance of their Ostomy related surgery. Our Goal: to help people return to productive lives following surgery and attain and maintain “optimum health.” Visiting Program: Visitation/educational services are offered upon request. For visits to patients who have had Ostomy or related surgery, please contact any group officer. Contact: 702-483-8116 or [email protected] Visitors are always welcome: The Town Karaya is published 6 per year. It is sent to all members electronically. You are invited to submit pertinent news items and other materials. if you want hard copy, there is additional charge for printing costs. Please contact the editor, Fran P via the Contact Us page If you have educational material in electronic document form, please send to snvostomy"at" to review for addition to our pages. Bring your spouse and family members to Ostomy meetings. The more they know about Ostomy management, the more understanding you’ll have form them at home, and the more comfortable they will be about what you have to do. VOLUNTEERS WANTED Looking for some Passionate Volunteers who are Ostomates to help with our organization and be Certified Ostomy Patient Visitors for all types. Pay it forward - you'll feel good about helping them and yourself. ================= You do not have to be a member or an Ostomate to attend. You are always welcome. |
Medical Professionals Please Note
One of this group’s major functions is to provide, when requested, Ostomate and spouse visitors, [frequently by telephone], trained in accordance with the guidelines of the United Ostomy Associations of America , and instructed by our own CWOCN nurses. If you have a patient who has had, or will have an Ostomy procedure,please call our visiting coordinators: Fran Popp / Bonnie Moe [email protected] 702-483-8116 We give support to both patients and families. We DO NOT give medical advice. Support Group’s Officers - 2013/2014 President: Fran Popp 702 483-8116 snvostomypres "at" Secretary Cathy Downey 702 483-8116 Treasurer Bonnie Moe 702 245 1771 We have a FACEBOOK page now Link/ Email: [email protected] Note: The "at" is representative of @ in email addresses to prevent spoofing of the addresses. OSTOMY SUPPLY DONATIONS If you have supplies and would like to dispose of them, please contact Red Cross or Friends of Ostomates International. Also asking that you contact the: Red Cross and Salvation Army to donate - due to limited storage space for supplies. Recommended Donation Site: Please send product donations, FOW-USA 4018 Bishop Lane Louisville, KY 40218 TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY, PLEASE NOTE: THE MEMBERSHIP LIST IS NOT SHARED TO THE GENERAL GROUP, ONLY THE MANAGERS OF THE GROUP CAN SEE THE MEMBERSHIP LIST. Our FaceBook Page: |